Devolo dLAN® 200 AVpro DINrail–a fixed HomePlug AV bridge for integration to a circuit-breaker board
Press Release – German language
devolo präsentiert ersten dLAN®-Hutschienenadapter für Smart Home- und Smart Metering-Anwendungen
Product Page – German language
dLAN® 200 AVpro DINrail … Produktbeschreibung … devolo AG
My Comments
Devolo have just released the dLAN 200 AVpro DINrail HomePlug AV-Ethernet bridge which is intended as a “built-in” HomePlug AV on-ramp.
Here, this unit is Intended to be installed by a professional electrician and is installed in a circuit-breaker board that works to the standard “DIN-rail” mount. When installed, there is an exposed Ethernet socket for connection to Ethernet-ended network equipment.
The main applications that this unit is being pitched at are energy-monitoring / control applications, especially with “smart meters” that have an Ethernet connection. In the same context, it could work with network-enabled HVAC equipment that uses an Ethernet connection but is direct-wired via the AC supply via an isolating switchboard.
It can then also apply to other integrated-wiring installations where you may want an Ethernet connection local to the power switchboard. An example of this could be a broom cupboard under the stairs which has the house’s main switchboard. Here, it could be tempting to hide the network-Internet “edge” equipment in that area and install the HomePlug “on-ramp” there, even if there is Ethernet or Wi-Fi access to the main Internet service available around the house.
Another example that would be relevant to HomePlug AV installations on larger properties is “pushing out” HomePlug AV coverage to remote buildings as I have explained here. This is where you have two different HomePlug AV segments connected via an Ethernet link and two of these Devolo DINrail units could be mounted in the garage’s or barn’s isolating switchboard and linked with a short Ethernet cable. Of course, one would be linked with the main HomePlug segment and the other to a unique segment that serves the barn and any buildings or caravans wired off it.
Other applications also include installations like some previous HomePlug backbone setups based around Devolo dLAN hardware that were used in a few German schools. Here, these installations used HomePlug as the network backbone.
It might also be easy to think of using this unit to build a “network-ready” isolating switchbox that is closed up. Here, a patch cord from the Devolo dLAN 200AVPro DINRail bridge’s Ethernet socket could be run to an Ethernet socket mounted on the side of the box, so as to connect up network-enabled equipment local to that switchbox.
An improvement that I would like to see for this unit would be a SimpleConnect button on the front of the unit so that customers can quickly associate regular HomePlug AV devices to this unit while keeping it as a “reference” unit for the segment that it is part of. This could be defeated through software for “smart-meter” environments and other environments where you don’t like the customer to “detach” the unit from an established network.
At least this unit could appeal to those of us who want the “integrated” HomePlug AV solution for our home networks. In addition, this could become a piece of kit that local “sparkies” could have available for sale and installation, especially if they cater to the connected home or small business.