FCC To Get Real Teeth On Internet Service Quality
US watchdog to enforce advertised broadband quality | IT News
From the horse’s mouth
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There has been recent coverage about the state of US Internet service, which has been highlighted by the long Comcast customer-service call published on the Net. It is also in conjunction with issues raised concerning the consolidation of the US broadband Internet service market to protected duopolies for fixed and mobile service.
Now the FCC have passed a new rule concerning Internet service quality. This rule requires the carriers and Internet service providers to be honest about what they advertise for their bandwidth and service quality. It also opens up FCC’s complaints channel to consumers who have issues with these carriers regarding their Internet service.
The rule has done nothing about competition in the US telecommunications and Internet scene and if the competition issue was raised continuously there, it could see the quality of service rise there. This also touches the arrival of third party Internet services like municipal wireless services or Google Fiber offering a high-value fibre-to-the-premises broadband service.