->Improving Your Home Network

Understanding Your Computer

  • What is a GPU all about? A simple explanation of what your computer’s graphics subsystem is all about and the different varieties that are being offered for this subsystem.
  • What is your computer’s file-storage system about? Knowing where your files go and how your computer’s operating system looks after the files that end up on the system’s hard disk or solid-state storage, including the role that Windows (File) Explorer or Macintosh Finder perform in this task. This underscores the difference between the logical volume which represents the storage devices and the folders or directories where your programs and files are stored. It also includes what the main or system disk is about and which drive is it.
  • What’s Inside Your Computer – An infographic that illustrates the key parts that make the typical personal computer work, as found in a typical desktop computer’s system unit.(SlideShare)

Your Small-Business Computing Experience

Also see more of these articles at the Small Business Technology page that is specially created for those of you in charge of your small business’s or community organisation’s communciations and information technology

Printing in the Small Business

Computing Setups Integrated With Your Lifestyle

Safe Home Computing And Networking

Home And Small Business Computing Trends

  • What is the “New Computing Environment” – Explaining the laptop-based wireless-network-driven computing environment that is becoming the norm and advising how to get the most out of this trend.
  • Achieving the goal of a competitive Internet service – Why there needs to be a competitive Internet service market and what is being done to achieve that goal.
  • Building out a desktop space for your laptop computer– How you can connect and use full-sized screens, mice, keyboards and the like with your laptop computer to build those desktop workspaces where you do most of your work.
  • How to adapt to multiple-screen computing – Some information about moving towards a multiple-screen computing setup. This could be a laptop or all-in-one connected to an external monitor where you use both the computer’s internal screen and the external screen at the same time. Or it could be you connecting two monitors to that traditional desktop computer of yours.

Internet Of Things, Building Automation / Security and the Smart Home

Older people and the connected lifestyle

The DLNA Media Network and your network-attachd storage

WD MyCloud EX4100 NAS press image courtesy of Western Digital

WD MyCloud EX4100 NAS – the mid-tier variant

->Basic Computing Skills, Hints and Tips

Network and Internet Activities

Facebook, Twitter and other social network sites

At the moment, these articles pertain to Facebook because of its preference as a social-network site by mature-aged and older people, many of whom are likely to be computer or Internet novices.


Journal Articles

Assistance Journals

These are articles about where I have been with particular home and small-business IT-support situations.

Purchasing And Specification Journals

These are articles about where I have been involved in specifying and purchasing home and small-business IT equipment for particular people and organisations with a task in mind.

  • A new playout computer for the church – Specifying and shortlisting a newer computer to replace an existing computer used for AV playout / lyrics-display purposes in the church I now worship God in.

Buyer’s Guides

Industry Interviews and Presentations

Interviews with people who represent companies who provide the technology for the home ans small-business IT market. This also includes reports from product launches and other industry-focused presentations that I attend.

  • Brother International (Heidi Webster – Brother, Stephen Bennett – Brother)
  • Network Audio And Video (Kate Winney – Hausmann Communications (Sony); Jacqueline Hickmann – Bush Australia)
  • Gigaclear (Matthew Hare) – installing fibre-t0-the-premises broadband with up to Gigabit symmetrical (upload and download) throughput in rural villages in the UK.
    • 2011 interview about Lyddington and Hambleton next-generation broadband rollouts
    • 2015 interview about Gigaclear’s increased footprint with 10,000 premises in rural areas passed by their fibre-to-the-premises broadband infrastructure.
  • Security Issues Associated With Cloud-based Computing (Alastair MacGibbon – Centre For Internet Safety (University of Canberra), Brahman Thiyagalingham – SAI Global) – Clound-based computing and computing-as-a-service and the security risks associated with it, including the new deliniation of responsibility.
  • WD Red Series NAS hard disk product launch – A reseller-based product launch of Western Digital’s latest hard disks that are optimised for network-attached-storage equipment.
  • Connecting Up (Mathan Allington) – An Australian non-profit organisation who provides  up-to-date information and communications technology to the non-profit community organisations at a price that they can afford.
  • UPnP Forum (Wouter van der Beek) – An interview about the current and future directions of the UPnP concept as the concept of personal computing expands across multiple zones of relevance. This includes factoring in cloud / remote computing setups, UPnP across multiple networks and the Internet Of Things.

Special Reports