Hi everyone!
A few weeks ago, I had trouble with the WordPress content management system not showing up posts that I have submitted using Windows Live Writer and other programs rather than the program’s Web-based user interface. I have had to resort to “cutting and pasting” text from Windows Live Writer into WordPress’s “Add new post” data-entry form for those weeks until I had upgraded WordPress to 3.0 – the latest version.
Now I had done a test post which you may have received if you followed this blog through an RSS Webfeed, via email or on Facebook (whether you have me as a Facebook friend or have marked the HomeNetworking01.info Facebook Page as a fan). I had deleted the test post from the main homepage so it doesn’t show up in an awful light. I am sorry about this situation especially if it has cast the site in an amateurish light and this test was to prove that I can still edit offline and publish the articles online instantly or save them as a draft online so I can work on them across multiple computers.
You can still follow the site for new posts as an RSS Web feed, in your email Inbox or on your Facebook Home Page.
Expect to see a lot more good-quality material including many reviews, feature articles and buyers’ guides to appear on this site soon,
With regards,
Simon Mackay