News article
NBN rollout in Tasmania a success, Conroy says – Yahoo!7
My comments
From this article that I had read, I was pleased that Australia had moved on to its first “next-generation broadband” deployment successfully. Most people may scoff at this success being due to a small town where there isn’t many subscribers or the town being in a politically-sensitive neighbourhood in Tasmania.
But I always find that the real test is what happens over the coming years as more people take up the next-generation broadband service and as the service gets used. Issues that will be observed will be whether the use will outgrow the available bandwidth and wither the service is likely to fail over the long term.
In most of the situations were a new technology becomes available, the people who are “first off the block” to take it on are the “early-adopters” who are well-educated, have a good income and have a strong interest in new technologies. They tend to make more use of the Internet and at this time, their heavy use will move off the main broadband infrastructure and most people who use the regular ADSL or cable services in that area will then start to notice better quality-of-service.
It will also be interesting to notice what will happen when the next towns get lit up for the National Broadband Network and also whether the householders in the towns will prepare their home networks for this next-generation service. I have written a good article on this site about preparing for next-generation broadband.
Similarly, it will be interesting to know whether subscribers in these towns will have their landline telephony moved to IP technology and will watch regular TV via the National Broadband Network. As well, it would be interesting to know whether the arrival of the National Broadband Network at these small towns will increase economic growth in these towns, whether through creating a business hub or “Silicon Valley” in these areas.