Samsung to sell world first 55-inch OLED TV
Panasonic, Sony purportedly entering into OLED TV team-up, torrid love affair | Engadget
My Comments
If you have a Samsung or HTC smartphone, you will most likely be using a phone that is equipped with an OLED display. Similarly you may have seen this technology in use with some upmarket car stereos.
These displays work on a self-illuminating method in a similar vein to the legacy cathode-ray-tube screens, the fluorescent displays used on most consumer-electronics equipment and the plasma display screens used in some larger flatscreen TVs. This is compared to the common LCD display technology used in most display applications that requires a backlight for the display to work.
They are known to offer an advantage of improved contrast as well as improved power efficiency for portable devices. The monochrome variants have been used effectively as a low-power equivalent to the previously-mentioned fluorescent displays, thus providing the same display look on battery-operated equipment.
Sony had previously launched an OLED-based TV in the form of the XEL-1 but this set used a screen that was eqivalent in size to most desktop computer monitors yet was very expensive compared to its peers. Now Panasonic, Samsung and Sony are taking this further by implementing OLED display technology in larger TVs that are fit for group-viewing in lounge rooms or family rooms.
Panasonic and Sony are pooling technical know-how to allow the creation of the large-area OLED displays necessary for the creation of these sets at prices affordable for most people.
What I see about this is it could be an effort in creating a large vivid high-contrast self-illuminating display that doesn’t consume lots of energy and is affordable for most users.
Can you pls tell the difference between OLED and LED+.
Most flatscreen TVs that use LED technology use an LCD panel to form the picture and a grid of white LEDs behind the LCD screen to light up the display. Better implementations turn the LEDs on an off individually according to where it is black or not. The OLED displays that we are talking about and are used on the Samsung phones are a miniature form of the LED video displays used in public areas and use arrays of very tiny LEDs to make the colours.