Links in email, web-feed and Facebook Page feeds now working properly

Hi everyone!

A close friend of mine had drawn attention to me about links to resources in this site not working properly when he viewed them from his email. Some of you may also have come across similar erratic behaviour when you are subscribing to these feeds and want to have a look at the resources.

What I normally do is that I create relative links to posts within this site as what would be expected for proper Web-site design and to assist with portability of this site’s content should I change server or run a different and improved domain. But the problem was that the relative links weren’t being presented as the full absolute links that start with .

I have now installed and tested a plugin that makes sure that the links presented in your emails, RSS Web-feed views and Facebook Page views are the fully-qualified links and point to the articles. This will work well when I use images of equipment that I have reviewed on this site as illustrations in other articles and I link to the appropriate reviews from the pictures so you can “find out more” about that laptop, printer or other piece of equipment.

Please continue to keep me in the loop if this fails by using the Contact Form. If you haven’t followed this site by Liking it in Facebook, subscribing to the Webfeed or having the emails delivered to your Inbox. please feel free to do so.

With regards,

Simon Mackay

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